View/Kick/Op'ing Other Users Referring back to your Control Panel, you see three buttons on the bottom. There are ‘View’, ‘Kick’ and ‘Op’ buttons. By selecting a name in the list above these buttons, you may perform a function on the individual selected. To select an individual, simply single click on their name. To select multiple individuals, you may Command-Click individuals. By clicking on the ‘View’ while someone is selected, you perform a /whois and will then see information on the person(s). Some individuals are bolded and/or in red while others are just plain black text. Those individuals who are in red/bold are Channel Operators for the channel that is active (Channel Operators are discussed in various places. You are a Channel Operator when your name is bolded/red and your Op light is lit).   User List Buttons --------------------------   view kick op/de-op The ‘Kick’ and ‘Op’ can only be used if you have Operator Status. The ‘Kick’ button does exactly what you might think, it kicks the selected person(s) off the channel. (Performing the kick will cause enemies if you don't mean it in fun or know the person, and if you kick someone who knows IRC better than you, you might find yourself being kicked back and banned from a channel.) The ‘Op’ button will give the selected individual(s) Operator Status. Of course, if you don’t currently have Op. Status, you can’t give it to someone else. In the same sense, while you can 'op' someone else, you can also 'un-op' them, or take away their operator status. In the case of all these buttons, you must select the individual you want to use the button on. You may shift-click or command-click the people to select more than one user. Example of what you will see on the channel when you or someone else Kicks a user off the channel:   Example of what you will see on the channel when you or someone gives another user Op Status:   Giving operator status to someone is giving them +o status. Taken it away is -o status. Operator status isn't given to new users, nor given to people others don't know because of the abilities they have to wreak havoc on a channel. Setting Your Away Message: Just below the buttons is a button titled 'Go Offline', more or less Tob's way of saying 'Back To Work'. When you click this button you will be presented with a dialog box asking you for your away message. The information that you type in will be show to anyone who sends you a private message or uses the 'View' button on you. This provides you with a way of telling others that you're not currently at your computer, or you're too busy to talk. An example of what they will see is listed below:   After you click on the button below, it will turn into 'Go Online'. A click on this button will erase your 'away' message and you are now considered as being 'here' or IRC'ing.    Finally, at the bottom of the window you see ‘I am’ and nickname you are currently using. At any point, you may change your nick by clicking on your name in this window and you will be prompted for the replacement name. If the nickname you entered to change to is currently in use, it will notify you of this as well.       If you double click on any individuals name, that person’s name will appear in the left hand portion of your input window in the Link button. If you double-click on another name, it will replace the previous one. If I were to have double-clicked the name 'Corum' it would appear as this below. (The importance of this will be explained later as well). Cursor Focusing will also override the double-clicks of a users name if you point to the console window, which will force Homer to switch to the last individual who sent you a private message.